21 March 2009

Obama's Metaphors

Usually, I'm not very "politically involved", but this really has more to do with the media than the actual politics. Obama has made two, shall we say, "unfortunate" metaphors in the last few days, one of which the media covered at great length, the other of which I had to search the 'net to be certain of its truth.

The link to the second one is at ABC News, in which our wonderful President Obama compares the banking industry to suicide bombers (think terrorists). Since when do we negotiate with terrorists??

The first metaphor was comparing his bowling skills to the special olympics. Since I am a good little monkey, and go to bed early, I missed this appearance on the Jay Leno show, but a quick search reveals no less than 900,000 results on the web, most with videos. The ABC news link? Third on the page, and the first two were not directly related to my search.

I dare you...try both of these searches and see what you get.

"Barack Obama" "Suicide Bombers"

"Barack Obama" "Jay Leno"

Oh, and by the way, he apologized for the Special Olympics remark, but has not yet (and I doubt if he will) apologized for using the bailout money to negotiate with terrorists.

27 February 2009

Sacred Ritual

There once was a man who had heard of a sacred ritual from a remote tribe in Africa. No one from outside the tribe had ever been allowed to witness the ritual. It was very intriguing. The tribe was very civilised, but this yearly ritual was such a strong tradition that they would not give it up.

The man was doing a study in Africa and went and spoke to the head of the tribe. He asked, begged, and pleaded for an opportunity to witness the ritual. The tribe leader got together with the tribal council and discussed this issue. "Our ritual has been performed for thousands of years, and no one outside of our tribe has ever witnessed it. Our daughters are marrying outside of the tribe, and I am concerned that this ritual will die in a few generations. I feel that we should allow one outsider to witness this, and share it with his children."

One of the tribal council spoke up and said "This outsider must become one of our tribe by marrying one of our own. He must be sworn to secrecy, and never put the details of our ritual into any written form. It is our tradition that this ritual has never been written down, nor do we feel that it should be."

The tribal council gave a hearty cheer at this speech. The tribal leader considered carefully the words of his tribal council, and went and spoke with the mann who had asked to witness the ritual.

"My council and I have come to an agreement. You may witness the ritual if you become one of our tribe by marrying one of our daughters. You may not ever write down the details of this ritual, and you may only share it with your own children, who must also share it with their children."

The man was ecstatic, because the time of the ritual was near, but he loved the tribal leader's daughter, who also loved him. He had been hoping to be able to marry the beautiful woman, and this was his dream come true. "With your permission, Great Leader, I would like to marry your daughter. I love her very much and I believe she loves me also."

The tribal leader then consulted with his wife and his daughter, and agreed to the marriage.

The time of the ritual finally arrived. The entire tribe packed for the trip to the site of the ritual. Although the weather was mild, the man noticed that the tribe was packing winter coats, heavy boots, hats and gloves. The tribe then climbed the highest mountain in the area, to a remote spot within where there was a wide opening and perfectly flat.

The man was thinking "After all these years, I finally get to witness the most sacred ritual of this tribe. I made a promise to never write it down, and share it with my children. I will keep these promises, but what a privelege to be among this tribe at this time."

The tribe arranged themselves in a large circle, and the ritual began:

"You put your right hand in, you put your right hand out..."

09 December 2008

Thought for the Week

We don't stop playing because we grow old...

We grow old because we stop playing.

If anyone knows where this quote is from, please let me know, and I will credit it.

28 October 2008

Thought for the Day

No one can make you feel inferior without your consent -- Eleanor Roosevelt

27 October 2008


It makes people wonder what you're up to :)

23 September 2008

Monday Night!

No, that does not mean football!! Not only is it Monday, but it was season opening-monday. Where should I start...OH YES...I learned on Big Bang Theory that you should never, ever tell a girl that she is not smart enough to date you!! Or that it is ok with you that she is "not smart." (I'm trying a little not to give away too many spoilers, as I know many people record their favorite shows and watch them later). I learned on How I Met Your Mother that sleeping around is not the way to get the woman you love to fall in love with you. I learned on Two and a Half Men that sometimes, if you plot deviously enough, you can guilt a man into giving you money. And I learned on Worst Week that jumping to conclusions generally puts you into hot water. And I laughed and laughed and laughed.

At least now I know how not to attract a female. Barney and Charlie have been great role models on the kind of men I don't want to be!!! OH, I almost forgot, "daddy issues" seemed to be a running gag last night, with the topper, of course, being the premiere of Worst Week being about the father.

Favorite shows? Do you read my blog? Is it amusing, or should I just quit? Let me know, PLEASE.

20 September 2008


One more commercial reference....

Have you seen the "priceless" commercial, in which fisrt base costs $58, second base is 750 pesos, and third base is 300,000 yen? I absolutely love it when the little boy hits the ball, you hear the very distinct sound of a window breaking, and and the next line is "Home -- priceless." Made me laugh out loud.

I was recently "caught" in an adult store. One of my friends noticed my monkey-bike in front of it, and casually asked what I was doing in the [furniture store], which happens to be next door. I kindly offered to share what I had bought at [not the furniture store], but said refused such information, claiming it would be too much to bear (or possibly monkey?).

This particular Monkey has been having way too much fun lately (with only a minor part of that fun related to above-mentioned adult store). Said fun has been in a personal attitude adjustment, whereas said Monkey has decided that life is too short to bitch. Maybe I'll just hang around with a bunch of bananas from now on. :)