23 September 2008

Monday Night!

No, that does not mean football!! Not only is it Monday, but it was season opening-monday. Where should I start...OH YES...I learned on Big Bang Theory that you should never, ever tell a girl that she is not smart enough to date you!! Or that it is ok with you that she is "not smart." (I'm trying a little not to give away too many spoilers, as I know many people record their favorite shows and watch them later). I learned on How I Met Your Mother that sleeping around is not the way to get the woman you love to fall in love with you. I learned on Two and a Half Men that sometimes, if you plot deviously enough, you can guilt a man into giving you money. And I learned on Worst Week that jumping to conclusions generally puts you into hot water. And I laughed and laughed and laughed.

At least now I know how not to attract a female. Barney and Charlie have been great role models on the kind of men I don't want to be!!! OH, I almost forgot, "daddy issues" seemed to be a running gag last night, with the topper, of course, being the premiere of Worst Week being about the father.

Favorite shows? Do you read my blog? Is it amusing, or should I just quit? Let me know, PLEASE.

1 comment:

Teddy Bears said...

Ha ha ha. I loved the episodes. I think that Worst week was kind of stupid.