04 August 2008


I recently celebrated my 21st birthday by going to a local watering hole. The bartender looked me up and down and said "Sorry, we don't serve monkeys here," which made me think of this joke:

Three ropes went out to their local watering hole and asked for a drink. The bartender said "Didn't you see our sign? We don't serve ropes here." In a very disappointed fashion, they walked out of the bar and around the corner.

They stood their discussing their ruined plans for the evening when the biggest rope declared "They can't do that, it's discrimination!" So, he marched back into the bar and demanded a drink. The bartender was a little frustrated and threw the rope right out the door. The rope went and joined his friends saying, "Boy, that place is really tough."

The next biggest rope, who had been pondering the discrimination issue, decided he was going to try his luck at getting a drink. He very quietly walked up to the bar and said in his most coquettish voice "Could I pretty please have a drink?"

The bartender took one look at him, picked him up, and threw him out the door.

The rope re-joined his friends, saying "That bartender has no heart at all. I tried to be nice!!"

The littlest rope had been listening to these conversations, and came up with a plan of his own. He said "I'll be right back with three drinks. Wait for me here." His fellow ropes thought he was crazy, but they didn't want to leave him behind, fearing he would get seriously injured when thrown through the door.

As he turned the corner, this littlest of ropes twisted himself all up and pulled out some of the ends of his rope. He walked into the bar and asked for a drink. The bartender gave him a funny look and said "Aren't you a rope?"

The littlest rope looked the bartender straight in the eye and said "Nope, frayed knot."

That was my laugh for that day. I'll keep you posted on the laughs I have daily, and hopefully, we'll be able to laugh together!

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