16 August 2008

5 stupid jokes

1. What's green and has wheels?
2. How does a witch tell time?
3. How do you catch a unique rabbit?
4. How do you catch a tame rabbit?
5. (This is a long one...)

Hello Statue

A very poor man from Italy comes to the US to make his fortune. He works very hard for a very long time, and finally succeeds at having plenty of money. He decides that he should have a very large house built on top of a very high hill. He calls a prominent architect, and requests the house of his dreams. During the interview, there was conversation that went something like this:
Italian Man: I want a big house, on a big hill.
Architect: I can do that
Italian Man: With lots of rooms and lots of staircases...one going up, one going down, and one going nowhere, just for show
Architect: Umm...ok, I can do that
Italian Man: And in every room, I want a "Hello Statue."
Long pause, while architect thinks "What the heck is a 'Hello Statue'? I don't want to look stupid in front of this guy."
Architect (out loud): I can do that.

So, the architect goes about designing this house, with 22 rooms, and three staircases. As he hires contractors, architect asks each one "Have you ever heard of a 'Hello Statue'?" One by one, they admit that they've never heard of such a thing. Architect also asks all other architects he knows, and all of his friends. No one has ever heard of a "Hello Statue."

Finally, house is finished. Italian Man goes to look at house and exclaims "BEAUTIFUL! JUST WHAT I WANTED. But, but, where are 'Hello Statues?"

Architect: I know you wanted one in every room, but I've talked to everyone I know, and no one knows what that is. If you tell me, I will happily put one in every room."

Italian Man: That's easy. Hello Statue is a little box that sits on table. When it goes b-r-r-ing, b-r-r-ing, you pick it up and say "Hello, Statue?"

For answers to the riddles above, leave a comment. I will comment back...

I love suspense!!


Because The Rain Hides Tears said...

1. grass you lied about the wheels?
2....no idea o_0 with a witch watch??
3. with a unique rabbit trap?
4. make it unique and catch it with a unique rabbit trap?
idk XD

RandomMonkey said...

lost and confused:

You got the first two right.
The answer to three is that unique up on it! (Say it aloud)
The answer to four is the tame way!